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Graveyard Regulations and Scale of Fees

Woodschapel Parish  St John’s and Gracefield
Graveyard Regulations and Scale of Fees
1. All applications for registration, re-registration or
re-allocation of a burial plot must be made to the Rector or Churchwardens, or person/s nominated by them.
2. Non-subscribers shall not be allocated more than two burial plots.
3. In the event of the death of the registered holder, and to ensure continuation of burial rights, the grave plot should be
re-registered as soon as possible.
4. No burial may take place without the prior consent of the Rector.
5. No burial may take place during the time of divine services or similar or within half an hour before or after.
6. Each grave plot shall be in compliance with current Graveyard map.
7. Every new grave should, if possible, be opened a minimum of nine feet deep and no coffin should be laid nearer to the surface than three feet, measuring from the top of the coffin and shall not be opened until 16 years have expired.  Each grave when settled shall be left level with the surface of the common soil.
9. Ashes must not be scattered, and urns used for the burial of ashes must be made of wood or similar material which will ultimately disintegrate.
10. All waste material from the opening of graves shall be removed from site by the burial contractor.

11. Plans for the erection of headstones on graves and for any treatment of the grave or grave surface must be submitted to the Rector for approval.  Inscriptions thereon must have the previous permission of the Rector, or person/s nominated. 
All such approvals must be given in writing before any work is started.
12. No cutting or breaking of headstones or mixing of mortar shall be permitted in the Graveyard and all associated waste materials must be removed from the Graveyard.
Maintenance of Graves
13. The registered holder of any plot is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of that plot, including headstone.
14. All wreaths or other flowers on graves should be removed when they become unsightly.
15. No work may be done in the Graveyard during the time of divine services or similar.
16. Any tree, plant, or shrub may be pruned or removed at any time, as directed by the Rector and Churchwardens.
17. The Select Vestry accepts no responsibility for damage caused to headstones or surrounds either when interments are being made or at any other time.
18. The foregoing regulations and associated charges shall be subject to routine revision by the Select Vestry with the approval of Diocesan Council.
The Rector may be contacted on 028 79418311.

Woodschapel & Gracefield
Graveyard Fees
                                        SUBSCRIBER         NON-SUBSCRIBER
Initial Registration                              
Fee per Plot                          £50                         £800
Erection of Headstone       
and Grave Surround            £50                         £400
Opening of Grave                £50                         £200
Burial of Ashes                     £25                         £100
Re-allocation or
Re-registering of Burial
Rights                                     £25                         £200
A subscriber who has not contributed to Church funds during the preceding two years will be charged the rates applicable to non-subscribers.
Revision effective from 30 November 2021.